X-ray Techniques – Bruker D8 Advance Diffractometer


Available Methods and Accessories

The D8 Advance is a powder diffractometer for powder XRD applications in Bragg-Brentano geometry. It is equipped with a standard Copper X-ray tube and a Vantec-1 linear detector for high-speed data collection.

Sample Requirements

Ordered/crystalline and semi-crystalline materials:

  • Powders: 20 mg – 3 g
  • Solids: < 35 mm (diam) x 7 mm (height)

Summary of Technique

The XRD instrument works by irradiating a sample with a beam of incident X-rays while the beam and detector move in a synchronized motion. The crystalline parts of the sample exhibit long-range order of repeating arrangements of atoms, molecules, or ions, diffracting the X-rays into many specific directions. The signal produced by the sample is recorded in a diffractogram displaying the scattered intensity as a function of the angle between the incident and the diffracted beam. This pattern reveals information related to the atomic structure of the sample

Information Provided & Detection Limits

XRD provides information on atomic or molecular crystalline structure and phases. It can also be used to confirm if a sample is XRD amorphous.

Detection limits. XRD detection limit is usually in the range of 1-2% vol.

Lab Location and Contact Information

Location: IMS X-ray Laboratory
Lab Manager: Daniela Morales