Polymer Processing – Thermo Fisher Scientific Haake Minilab II and Minijet

Thermo Fisher Scientific Haake Minilab II and Minijet

Thermo Scientific HAAKE MiniLab II

Sample Requirements

100g -500g of Polymers


Summary of Technique

  • Compounds small sample amounts of 7 cm3. This miniaturized, high-tech tool is perfect for research in material science, such as testing of new additives and the development of new formulations.
  • The system is based on a conical, twin-screw compounder with an integrated backflow channel. By operating with 100% backflow, the extruder becomes a batch mixer with a well-defined residence time.
  • This micro compounder can be used with co- or counter-rotating screws and is equipped with an inert gas flush system.
  • HAAKE MINIJET- a small ram injection-molding system.  Material consumption is reduced dramatically in comparison with conventional injection molding units

Information Provided

It is ideal for the precisely controlled reactive extrusion of high-viscosity melts. By running the instrument in backflow mode, the required reaction time for the reactive mixture can be controlled easily. At the end, the bypass valve can be opened, and the sample is extruded. By measuring the torque of the drive motor and the pressure in the backflow channel, the reaction process can be monitored effectively.

Lab Location and Contact Information

Location:  Thermal Analysis, Rheology, and Polymer Processing Lab
Point of Contact: Dennis Ndaya